Listen More Than You Say

“We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we say.” ~ Zeno of Citium … 

As the Greek philosopher Zeno once stated, it would be wise of me to listen more often than I speak, for how can I truly expect to share something without first understanding it. Yet as a parent, my children generally expect me to be able to explain unknown concepts and ideas to them in a way that makes sense. And as such, I often times feel obligated to talk and to have all the answers to the questions asked me.

To be able to share my wisdom with others, I must be able to learn–be that reading books, experiencing life, or listen to those who are wiser than I am. If I allow myself to talk incessantly about nonsense, I reduce the amount of time I am able to spend listening and growing. For example, if my wife is telling me about her day at work, and I am simply thinking about the next thing I am going to say to her, and then perhaps sidetrack into what has been happening in my day, well then I am not really listening… I am simply waiting for a chance to give my own input.

Listen to others around you. Ask questions and show interest in their concerns. Others will definitely not think less of you for speaking less, and this certainly will appreciate the company of someone who is willing to listen closely to what they have to say. Some of the most unfortunate problems in the world today are a result of people feeling as if there is no one there to listen to them.

Spend some time simply listening to someone today.

Questions to consider:

How many role models of good listeners have you known?

How do you feel when someone listens closely to you?

What do you usually do when you are tempted to cut someone off by sharing your own seemingly related experiences?

For further thought:

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” ~ Doug Larson

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