Daily Archives: 30 Jun 2022

How are you faring so far?

“Individual commitment to a group effort–that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” ~ Vince Lombardi …

When we look at the effort of a group–whether that is a company, a congregation, or a team–it is the effort of each individual that truly determines the end result. We each determine the level of success of the group through our training, discipline, contributions, and resolve. And this is a wonderful thing to realize, for it empowers us with the ability to control our achievements and successes, not only on a personal level, but on the team level as well.

And since I have been a part of organized sports for much of my life, I enjoy reflecting upon the words of great coaches like Vince Lombardi. These leaders have found ways to inspire and empower the individual with a determination and focus that all too often are overlooked in a group setting. Their words offer inspiration and confidence in one’s abilities, they add meaning and purpose to one’s efforts, and they help to conceptualize the goals and aspirations of the group. For if we fail to recognize our contributions towards the greater good, the efforts we put forth may seem trivial, and the goal, unattainable.

Through the commitment of every team member, success is possible, even when we are up against the greatest of odds. Find ways to contribute on a personal level to the greater success of society. Volunteer within the community. Share your time and abilities with friends and neighbors. Coach and mentor those who perhaps need some guidance and encouragement. Share courage, hope, enthusiasm, and love with others around you.

Make a list of the achievements you would most like to reach this year.

Questions to consider:

Think of some teams who have accomplished a lot. Have they done so by themselves?

In what ways do you contribute to the success of the groups in your life?

What are some of the things that keep you from taking risks?

For further thought:

“The greatest works are done by the ones. The hundreds do not often do much–the companies never; it is the units–the single individuals, that are the power and the might. Individual effort is, after all, the grand thing.” ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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