Daily Archives: 17 Jun 2022

Reflect to gain some deeper understanding of a recent experience in your life.

“No shortcut to wisdom. No tollways to be wise.” ~
Toba Beta …

Wisdom does not necessarily come with age, nor does it come from having a whole world of information at our fingertips; wisdom cannot be bought, nor can it be willed upon another. Wisdom can only be gained through our own discovery–through trial, error, and our eventual understanding.

Neither is wisdom complex, rather it is breathtaking in its simplicity. It is not having the answers for everything–for it is often wiser to allow others to find their own answers and merely be a fellow traveller and guide. To be wise, we cannot take any shortcuts–we have to travel the paths before us, as these are the paths where wisdom will be found. We cannot just know things–we have to understand them and the principles behind them. Furthermore, once we reach a deeper understanding of the things we are able to, we must then share that understanding with others, or else the wisdom gained will be for naught.

Do not seek “shortcuts to wisdom.” Instead, seek wisdom in the experiences you face each day of your life. And do not feel you are wise because you know more than someone else–quantity is not equivalent to quality. Instead, seek a greater understanding of the things you do know, and then share them with others in your life.

Take a moment to gain some deeper understanding of a recent experience in your life.

Questions to consider:

In what ways are you truly wise?

How can you grow to be even wiser?

In which ways are you most effective in sharing your wisdom?

For further thought:

“When you are able to know the right thing, you are intelligent. But when you choose that right thing to do, you are wise. This means people can get money, education, marriage, and good health and not get wisdom. Wisdom is the number one gift for a Godly success.” ~ Israelmore Ayivor

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