Daily Archives: 11 Jun 2022

Challenge yourself to do something you feel you may not succeed in

“A sobering thought: what if, at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential.” ~ Jane Wagner …

Many of us tend to believe that we are only capable of what we currently are now, or at least we become accepting with our current level of life. But if this were true–that my current potential right at this very moment is the fullest it will ever be–then I would have very little to aspire to or look forward to.

We each are brimming with potential and talent. The unfortunate truth is that so much of it is wasted by our unawareness to it. Right at this very moment, you have everything that you need to succeed–to grow, to find happiness and self-fulfillment, to reach your full potential. And if today I was at my full potential, I have to agree with Jane completely–what “a sobering thought.”

You are unique and highly talented. Do not feel that you are limited by what you are capable of today. Do not feel that you must tread in the footsteps of others who have found their own potential. Find inspiration in your life and then put forth the time and effort to reach it–never settle for less.

Challenge yourself to do something you feel you may not succeed in.

Questions to consider:

What are you capable of now? What are some things you feel you might be capable of if you tried?

Are you living life to your full potential?

Where can you find inspiration to grow your talents and abilities?

For further thought:

“You have available to you, right now, a powerful supercomputer. This powerful tool has been used through-out history to take people from rags to riches, from poverty and obscurity to success and fame, from unhappiness and frustration to joy and self-fulfillment, and it can do the same for you.” ~
Brian Tracy

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