Growing Gracefully

“The best part of the art of living is to know how to grow old gracefully.” – Eric Hoffer

As we get older, age tends to be something that many of us do not like to consider, let alone discuss. Yet we all continue to age, every day of our lives, whether we acknowledge this or not. I have come to believe that the lack of discussing how we age each day we are alive, leads us to having more difficulty in accepting the fact that we are growing old… and this in turn leads to those of us who are not able to grow old gracefully, as Eric puts it.

I am sure you know some adult who insists on wearing clothes that were intended for someone much younger. Or the parent who insists on using the vernacular of their children and the much younger generations. My intentions are not to sound judgmental–for I was quite trendy myself during much of my young adult years–yet most of these types of tendencies almost always make the older person look or sound somewhat silly, if not downright ridiculous. Yet some of us still try to demonstrate to others that they are not growing older, being unable or unwilling to accept the fact that they indeed are. Sadly, I feel that in doing so, one simply loses their own identity as they stop showing their authentic selves and instead force out awkward and unrealistic actions.

Both children and young adults like knowing older folks who are comfortable with themselves, who are not trying to be something they are not. Because these elders are growing old gracefully, they are giving others a sense of balance, someone to look up to, something to aspire to as they age themselves. For this reason alone, it is important that we give them exactly what they need: a role model in the art of aging.

Of course we should keep in mind that this does not mean we must “resign” ourselves to growing old. There is fun to be had in the world no matter how old we are. And as we grow and learn true appreciation, the possibility for fun multiplies. My goal in life is to grow old gracefully, and to do so with limitless possibilities–with dignity, peace of mind and heart, a lot of fun, and acceptance of who I am and how I fit into the world.

Today’s Challenge: Take a moment to reflect upon and celebrate your age today–research what others your age have done, tell a close friend how old you are, be open to the possibilities of the wisdom of the ages.

Questions to consider:

Some people are unable to grow old gracefully because they are bitter and angry at the world. What might they do to make their worlds more pleasant?

Why do some people have so much trouble accepting the fact that they are growing old?

How can we be sure that we are growing old gracefully? What are some of the most important indications?

For further thought:

“How can anyone be anything but their age? The trick is to love your age. Love it when you’re young and strong and foolish. Love it when you’re old and wise. Love it in the middle when the challenges come and you can solve some of them, maybe most of them. If you love your age, you’ll never go around wishing you were some other age.” – Arthur Gordon


Filed under Commentary, Food For Thought, Opinion

2 responses to “Growing Gracefully

  1. Pingback: Everybody knows, but no one really believes it | On (or close to) Schedule

  2. Pingback: Articles on healthy aging. Enjoy! | EXCEPTIONAL AGING

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